Absolutely Fabulous Wiki
Name Justin
Gender Male
Actor Christopher Malcolm
Time on show 11 episodes 1992-2011
Seasons 6
Spouses Edina Monsoon - ex wife
Children Saffron Monsoon
Occupation Co-owner Antique Shop

Justin Monsoon is Saffy's father and was once married to Edina Monsoon. He is gay and keeps an antique shop with his partner Oliver, a frequent guest in the earlier series. Justin and Edina pretend to get along for Saffron's sake but things don't always go as planned. Oliver and Saffy are friends; he despises Patsy and loathes Edina. Edina often feels jealous of the relationship between Saffron and her father and will often antagonize him for spite. Patsy and Justin will occasionally get along but are generally antagonistic to each other.
