Absolutely Fabulous, also known as Ab Fab, is a British sitcom created by Jennifer Saunders based on an original idea by her and Dawn French, and written by Saunders, who plays the leading character. It also stars Joanna Lumley and Julia Sawalha, along with June Whitfield and Jane Horrocks.
Edina "Eddy" Monsoon and Patsy Stone are a pair of high-powered career women in the fashion industry: Eddy runs her own PR firm, and Patsy holds a sinecure at a fashion magazine.
The two women use their considerable financial resources to indulge in a life revolving around alcohol, recreational drugs, and chasing the latest fads in an attempt to maintain their youth and recapture their glory days as mods in Swinging London.
The partnership is largely driven by Patsy, who functions as both codependent and enabler to Eddy. Their lifestyle inevitably leads to a variety of personal crises, which are invariably taken care of by Eddy's young daughter, Saffron, whose constant abuse at the hands of Eddy and Patsy has left her a bitter, cynical teenager (and later twenty-something) who nonetheless continues to care for her mother out of a sense of unconditional love.
Main article: List of characters
Main characters
- Jennifer Saunders as Edina Monsoon
- Joanna Lumley as Patsy Stone
- Julia Sawalha as Saffron Monsoon
- June Whitfield as Mother
- Jane Horrocks as Bubble, Katy Grin, Lola
Main article: Episode Guide
Absolutely Fabulous first aired on 12 November 1992, and ran for three series until 4 May 1995, when the sixth episode of series 3 was billed as the last-ever episode. However, the following year in November 1996, two specials, called "The Last Shout", were broadcast and were also billed as the last-ever episodes. Both 'last episodes' featured end sequences with flashes to the future.
However, after writing Mirrorball, Jennifer Saunders decided she had more ideas, leading to a fourth series, which premiered on 31 August 2001. A fifth series and three specials followed, the last of which aired on 25 December 2004.